Spendensammlung in der Mainzer Altstadt am 16. April 2011 / 第2回募金活動(2011年4月16日マインツ旧市街地にて)

This was the 2nd charity event as Mainzer Freunde für Japan e.V. since the earth quake hit in Japan.

The charity event took place in the Altstadt of Mainz.

Like the very first time charity event (took place on the 7th April at the main train station) we were not just there to make collections but introducing some Japanese culture in return. Girls wore Yukata, the names of visitors were written in Japanese by calligraphy and folding Origami.

From the beginning there was an endless queue of those people who wanted to make the donation and having their names written in Japanese. Many people were also very keen to talk to us about the current situation in Japan. Families with small children were particularly fascinated about the Origami cranes and frogs.

I was very impressed by the generosity of people regardless of age, nationality and background. Also I appreciated people’s concern about the current situation in Japan. Many people took the flyer back home and asking us about the next event.

On be half of the charity organisation I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to those people who visited us and made generous donation.

Last but not least the credit should also go to the organisers who have been working extremely hard to establish the organisation in such short period of time and those people who were involved in the charity event on the day.

Well done everyone!

Participant: Kei, Itsue, Madoka, Carlos, Ninan, Tina, Osamu, Hiroshi, Rinko, Toshi, Sayaka, Sven, Thomas, Taeko, Teo, Despina, Marion, Takashi, Daichi, Raul, Sho, Souma, Shu, Takaya, Daiki, Daisuke, Toshiaki, Shota, Yusuke, Kouta, Wataru


Mainzer Freunde für Japan e.V. は、第2回目の募金アクションをマインツの旧市街地アウグスティナ通りで実施しました。日本の伝統衣装を着用し、前回、大好評だった習字と折り紙も披露。 毛筆で仕上げられた美しい名前、器用な手先で次々に仕上げられる鶴やカエルといった折り紙芸術に、スタンドを囲む人々から感嘆の溜息が連続。常に人だかり ができる大盛況のアクションとなりました。

今回のアクションで集まった募金1.295,15ユーロは、Think the Earth基金を通じて現地で活動するNGO団体に届けられました。詳細は次のページをご覧ください。

○Think the Earth基金・第三期寄付先について→ http://www.thinktheearth.net/jp/info/2011/03/-think-the-earth.html

